2020 at GRC in a Nutshell

By Alyssa Healey

In the accompanying video, Lina Abdul Hussein, Jennifer Fadaro, Wade Marshall, and college president Suzanne Johnson, respectively, all shared some things they are grateful for this year, and offered up their best smile to end 2020, as well.

Obviously, 2020 was full of ups and downs, highs and lows. So, the purpose of this multimedia journalism project was to see 2020 from a different, and uplifting, perspective rather than focus on the negative aspects of the virus and other events that occurred in 2020.

The idea of this story/project was to end 2020 on a high note and look at the positives of it, to hope for a better 2021 and leave 2020 in the past. After reflecting back on what they are grateful for, they all had one common theme: while 2020 was a difficult time, a sense of community and togetherness got them through it.

Another important thing they mentioned was how 2020 has made us learn the importance of not taking what we have for granted and that this is all temporary. Even with everything that has happened in 2020, they all found something to be grateful for.

Johnson was especially grateful for the students and their perseverance through the changes in the learning curriculum and style. She wanted to let the students know how proud she is of them for continuing with their education and life goals given the current circumstances. She also wanted to remind the students the importance of having hope for the future, looking forward, and knowing that no matter what challenges they may face, better days lie ahead.

All of the students and the president were very informative and uplifting in regard to 2020 even given all that has happened.