2020 in 5 words

Whether you thought 2020 was a good year or a lousy year, everyone can agree that it was a year to remember.

A majority of college students at Green River can say their lives changed in 2020. But how would those students describe the once highly anticipated year in five words?

“Confident, astoundingly-stupid, dumpster-fire, arrogant and ambitious” are the words, Noor Samra, a freshman at Green River, used when asked to describe 2020.

Samra, a 16-year-old Running Start student, also said why she thought of those words. “It ruined all my plans with my friends and family, as well as hurt my grades, and just generally made me feel like I was going insane.”

Another student said something drastically different than Samra. “Amazing, wonderful, distracting, ambitious, and unforgiving” are the words used by Simrat Kaur, a 20-year-old Green River student studying science with plans to transfer to UW.

Kaur thought it was this way because the beginning of the academic year was great for her, and then the end of the year, spring quarter, is when her mental health started to deteriorate for lack of social interaction.

Deepu Gill, a 21-year-old Green River student studying accounting, said, “Interesting, amusing, vivid, bold, and a waste.” Gill thought this because, like many others, she had made plans that she had to cancel, and her mental health deteriorated throughout the year.

Puneet Singh, a 19-year-old freshman at Green River, said, “Aggressive, puzzling, admirable, carefree, flow.” Singh said he felt that 2020 was the best year for his mental health and that he had time to regenerate his energy. Singh also said that despite the beginning being difficult for him, it became easier for him to deal with 2020, and he now had a lot more, free time.

Gursher Singh, an 18-year-old freshman at Green River who is not related to Puneet Singh, said, “It was fun, engaging, comical, eventful, and gloomy.” He said he was fine and even carefree at first, but as time went on, he said the problem wasn’t him not interacting with people, but the stress of online school getting to him and not adjusting to the pressure of online school.

A website that also describes 2020 in one word can be found by pointing your browser here: https://www.dictionary.com/e/2020-describe-one-word/.

2020’s been a tough year for most students, like those mentioned above, many of whom have lost family or friends. If you need anyone to talk to, Green River counseling is open to you. https://www.greenriver.edu/campus/campus-resources/counseling-services/.

Source: Pxfuel