Staff History: GRC Faculty That Have Been Teaching For More Than 10 Years


Allison Jansen – Political Science, 19 years

How have you liked it so far?

“I love Green River. I love the forest appearance of the campus. I absolutely love being in the classroom I still get excited about teaching.”

Why Political Science?

“Politics have been a part of me for as long as I can remember. I come from a hard-working family and I remember we got three newspapers and the news was always on. Radio news in the morning TV news in the evenings I grew up with a real awareness. Plus I grew up in the Vietnam War Phase Civil Rights era in the sixties so politics is part of my DNA. I read all the times my favorite author is the one I’m reading at the moment I read more nonfiction than fiction.”


Carsh Wilturner – Psychology, 42 years

Have you seen any changes throughout the years?

“The number of buildings has increased quite a bit and this office is like a millionaires office compared to what we left behind. When I first started there was no running start and there was no international program so all this stuff is brand new and we’re better off for it.”

Besides teaching, do you have any hobbies?
“I’m a scuba diver and I like working out, it’s my stress reducer weightlifting mostly I do cardio because you have to I’m not going to pretend to like it.”
Are there any places in specific you like to scuba dive? “I would love to, but it is expensive. Probably one of my favorite places is Costa Rica. Belize is great.”

Any Advice To Students

“You don’t have control of everything, but don’t be discouraged because of this. Although life’s going to hit you, you just gotta get back up and keep going. As for your goals, remember to shoot for the stars and if you hit the moon, that’s okay.”


Walter Lowe- English, 18 years

Has anything changed since you’ve been here?

“Yes, in a variety of different ways. In some ways, we’ve become less intimate because of all the new buildings and the expansion of things a bit. I also think there are a lot more things that faculties are involved in so we don’t get together as much as we used to. Student population has increased a lot and with the advance, in technology, I find that students don’t interact as much.

Do you have any hobbies?

“I enjoy soccer. Go Sounders! I would referee soccer on the weekends, it keeps me involved in the community. I started refereeing when I took my son to the sport when he was 13, he’s now 26. I also like poetry and reading.”

Do you have any life advice for students?

“I’ll pass on some advice one student gave me. His advice to my current students was to really invest themselves in what’s going on in the class. To apply themselves to what the teacher is teaching them. Don’t look at your assignments as some kind of duty but look at each of your assignments as  creative work of your own.”