Goedde Joins Green River, Breaks School and Personal Records

By: Romeo Buckley
Staff Writer

Samantha Goedde is a 19-year-old Green River College runner who joined the track and field team in August 2019.

She is a very hard working and determined athlete who has excelled throughout her career. Goedde enjoys running the one and two-mile cross-country events. Goedde started running track in seventh grade and continued until the end of high school. She only ran for her school and not for any professional organized team.

Goedde also runs outside of track season with her friends. They run at least 30 miles a week during the winter. Her best meet and proudest moments were during Saint Martin’s NWAC Preview Meet where she beat her personal record. Her new personal record is 18 minutes and 52 seconds.

In high school, her school’s cross-country record was 19 minutes and 32 seconds at Auburn Mountainview meet. She broke the record with 19 minutes and 14 seconds. After breaking this personal record she said that she “finally felt accomplished for breaking the high school record.”

Goedde has lots of memorable moments from track but the things that she really enjoyed are “traveling, bonding and the team dinners.” Her team during their travels and bonding period enjoys sport activities like volleyball, bowling and ultimate Frisbee. As the team progressed athletically, they all focused and worked hard towards breaking their own personal records.

Goedde also said that she is successful because of her strong family support. Her parents came to every meet that she has ever competed in. Their strong support both financially and emotionally aide her drive to win. Without the support of her parents behind her, pushing her and encouraging her success, she would be stagnated.

This year, Goedde’s season improved compared to the last year. Last season, she attended Central Washington University, where she became sick and wasn’t able to perform to the best of her ability. She moved home and joined the Green River track and field team. Since her return, her health improved and she is now able to perform at a higher level in college competitions.

As the season goes on, she keeps breaking some personal records in every event she has participated in. Goedde’s team has improved over the season as well. They all started to create new personal records. “Everyone had PR in every race so far,” Goedde said.

Goedde also said that her teammates are motivated with the training and that everyone wants to succeed as a team. The growth of the overall team must focus on good eating habits and good sleeping habits. All so having a positive mind set and just being positive will help a runner succeeded. These are key things that make winning teams.

Goedde plans on continuing running track [& field] while she earns her degree to become a vascular ultrasound technician. She is fascinated with the human body and its biological functions.

She once studied sports medicine while in high school. This encouraged her compassion for helping people. She’s empathetic towards people that are sick or in need of help. However, she foresees a transfer in the future to Tacoma Community College, Bellevue College or Northwest University. These schools offer complete course work for a vascular ultrasound technician. She is all so looking into Northwest University because it is close to home so she can with her family.

“I began running for personal reasons and the love for the sport keeps me going,” Goedde said. She feels good when she runs. “It’s a great way to clear my head,” Goedde said. It’s a great way to soothe and relax her.
Goedde’s love for running has given her many opportunities in her athletics. Her perseverance shows everyone to not give up and to find something that they love to do.