Breast Cancer Awareness

By: Taylor Bailey
Staff Writer

October is Breast Cancer awareness month—an annual event set on increasing awareness of the disease, and Green River College has some special offers in participation.

Breast cancer is caused by cancer cells forming in the tissues of the breast that then begin to spread to other areas of the body. According to the National Breast Cancer Foundation, this disease is usually caused by damage to a cell’s DNA.

There are some known risk factors such as drinking alcohol, smoking, and having a family history of breast cancer. Thankfully, many people with these risk factors never develop the disease.

Contrary to common belief, females are not the only ones affected by the disease. All people, whether male or female, are born with breast cells and tissue that are susceptible to disease. According to NBCF, a man’s breast cells and tissue can still develop cancer Male breast cancer is very rare; however, the mortality rate of men with breast cancer is higher than women, as men are less likely to get a checkup.

Green River College demonstrates breast cancer awareness by hosting an event this month. From 12-2 p.m. Oct. 22 in the Student Union building, Student Life’s Gator Activities Board will host the Tuesday “Gator Gives” event during the Fall Club Fair.

Collin Veenstra, the manager of Green River’s Gator Activities Board, spoke on the activities participants can expect from this month’s event.
“For our giveaway this particular week, we will be offering students free pink cotton candy, awareness ribbons and information on self-screening and more,” said Veenstra. “[This is] in recognition of Breast Cancer Awareness Month.”

The information on self-screening available at the event will provide how to get checked properly and includes steps on how the disease can be treated.

According to NFCB, an estimated 42,000 women and 500 men will die from breast cancer this year in the U.S. alone, and one in eight women will develop it in their lifetime. Fortunately, there are over 3.5 million survivors of this disease in the United States.

The reason they survived this disease is because they were diagnosed early, either by a doctor or themselves, and because they were proactive and took the necessary steps to insure the best chances of survival.

Their success is a testament to the importance of breast cancer awareness, which is demonstrated by events such as the one held by Green River.