Family Inspiration Drives Britton Garrard to Play Basketball

By: Tatiana Vila-Ferreri
Staff Writer

Britton Garrard is a student a well as an inspired athlete at Green River College and is regarded as an important asset for the men’s basketball team.

Garrard mentions that his father as the source of inspiration for basketball and the reason why he is dedicated to it. He describes that when Garrard was growing up his father was a sports fan and  during that time he would play and watch sports with his family. All this moments together nurtured an interest for sports and the most relevant became basketball.

Even today, during Garrard’s early adulthood, his father is a prevalent motivator despite remaining between their home states of Idaho and Utah. “I owe a lot to him for supporting me and pushing me to be better,” Garrard said. “He came to our tournament and during every game he was standing and cheering all game long.”

When Garrard’s father calls to make sure that his son is okay physically, how his competitions are going as basketball is important in such a grueling and active sport. Garrard’s interest for basketball comes from the emotional response from playing, which goes beyond winning.

Garrard finds the feeling of shooting over someone’s head exhilarating, knowing that his quick thinking and polished skills have got the best of his opponent by challenging them to become more aware of  him during the rest of the game.

Garrard knows that every second during the basketball game is more than pure adrenaline and beautiful three-pointers. He knows that constant practice and basketball include its own drawbacks and cannot  be avoided at the court. “The hardest part of basketball is definitely remembering the small details and staying locked every single play,” Garrard said.

Basketball is similar to many other sports -such as ice hockey and soccer- where all have different positions where players are assigned and must play. For example, Garrard makes sure that his team is spaced out to knock down shots from the opposing players.

Garrard thinks that each team must work like clockwork more than only playing for each other. The team needs to make sure that every player takes responsibility for their position and realize how their attitude affects the game.

Additionally, Garrard beieves that players must stay focused on winning the game, even with the hustle and bustle that comes during a basketball match. Angry fans, sore limbs, and even worrisome things like injuries take part in a basketball player’s experience, proving that staying focused or “staying locked in” can be difficult.

Garrard also thinks that practice is a requirement of each player’s routine and his team players feel that if they do not practice, they can’t improve their game as on each game, each player must bring the best of themselves to the court. Not just for themselves or for the team, but for the fans in the stands.

Garrard has proven, though, that he is up for the task. “Britton is up every morning at 6 a.m. getting tons of shots up. He is by far our most dedicated member of the team,” said Godfrey Drake, the coach for the men’s basketball team.

Garrard sets goals to look up to and a strategy that keeps him dedicated to his improvisation. This year, Garrard is aiming high, literally. He would like to become the best shooter in the Northwest Athletic Conference and across the Pacific Northwest tournament.

Besides basketball, though, Garrard has other aspirations. He describes to have interest in a possible business major, as well as possibly transferring to a university closer to his home and family.

In the future, Garrard would like to open his own gym, but he is fully aware of the resources and time that it would take to accomplish such a goal. This the reason why he wants to study a business major to focus more on the management side of a business in the sports industry.

Finally, Garrard would enjoy becoming a personal trainer, to stay active and fit. He understands that this is an important part of any basketball player’s career.His dedication to the sport influences his family members, friends and reflects on him as one of Green River College’s outstanding athletes.