Celebrities Who Will Not Take the COVID-19 Vaccine

Photo of Elon Musk at a conference. Flickr

Some celebrities have decided not to get the COVID-19 vaccine.  

“I don’t trust it,” said Wendy Williams, host of the Wendy Williams Show, “I’ve never had the flu and I’m not getting the shot.”

Williams did not elaborate much more concerning why she does not trust the COVID-19 vaccine.  She views it like any other vaccine, and thinks that since she rarely gets sick she does not need to worry about getting vaccinated. 

Elon Musk, billionaire and CEO of Tesla, also said that he and his family will not be getting the vaccine. Musk views it as unnecessary because he believes that his family is not at risk. Data shows that the mortality of this virus is more likely to occur in seniors and people with previous health problems, as well as less likely to kill those who have the financial resources. 

Musk has publicly expressed his distaste for widespread quarantines calling them “unethical.” He believes that a better approach would be to focus on the people who are more susceptible and have them quarantine until it becomes more safe. 

Green River students also have different opinions about the vaccine. 

“Even though the time frame that the Covid vaccine was made in was considerably short, more resources, studies and consideration were put into these vaccines than probably any other vaccine,” said Morgan Maxfield, a student at Green River college. 

“At the end of the day, it is a vaccination to help our society grow out of this pandemic. I will get the vaccine when it is available to me,” Maxfield said.

Caleb Krauter feels that he would not get the vaccine, at least not at this time. Because it is so early in its release he would prefer to wait and see how patients react to its effects.

“If the vaccine proves useful and safe then maybe it wouldn’t hurt to take it. I believe this way about vaccines in general. If a vaccine is new, it should be tested especially if I do not specifically need it,” Krauter said.

Krauter also agreed with Musk’s argument that the vaccine is not a necessity for people under 65 without underlying health conditions.  

 “I am young, and COVID is less lethal to people my age,” he said.

The coronavirus vaccines have been tested on millions of people, but it is wise of everyone to be cautious and research what they are injecting into their bodies.