Rittenhouse Shown to be Innocent by Jury

The trial of Kyle Rittenhouse wrapped up at the end of last week. This trial was possibly the most high-profile trial since that of OJ Simpson and by some is considered to be just as infamous. The trial was deciding over whether Kyle Rittenhouse, who at the time of the incident was 17, was practicing self-defense when he fatally injured two rioters and severely injured another during a riot in Kenosha Wisconsin over the shooting that paralyzed Jacob Blake. After the trial went on for more than two weeks, the jury entered deliberation and returned just over 24 hours later with a not guilty verdict on all counts. This ruling is considered very controversial by many so much so that both the defense and the prosecution allegedly received death threats throughout the trial. Additionally a group of people outside of the courtroom were threatening violence during jury deliberation if Rittenhouse was not found guilty however nothing has come of this as of the writing of this article. Interesting Lee there is a noteworthy segment of the population who believes in a legal sense Kyle Rittenhouse was acting in self-defense however going to Kenosha during the riot was a severe lapse in judgment and he should be condemned on those grounds, others defend his actions by pointing to the fact that Rittenhouse had family and was employed in the city. Additionally, President Biden spoke on the matter; originally, the president, who at the time was still a presidential candidate, seemed to think that Rittenhouse was in the wrong even calling him a white supremacist. However, after the jury came back with their decision just over a year later, the president said that he trusts in the jury and that he believes in the system. After the trial had ended, Rittenhouse’s attorney said that he would be moving out of the area over safety concerns.