O.D.E.I. at Green River

By Alison Barlow

As diversity increases on college campuses, the importance of encouraging equity and inclusion has become more important for students and administrators. 

The Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (ODEI) at Green River College has many programs to assist a variety of students, including students of color, refugees, and foster youth.

ODEI is important because it helps students feel included, represented, and supported, according to Marwa Almusawi, director of ODEI. 

As stated on Green River College’s website, “The office of Diversity creates inclusive spaces that promote intellectual discourse, diverse leadership, and social justice among students, staff, faculty, and our surrounding communities.”

One of the best aspects of ODEI is the environment they are able to create for the betterment of students and staff. “ODEI does well in developing, maintaining and mending meaningful and dynamic relationships,” said Benjamin Lealofi, the program manager for ODEI.

“Oh, they’re fabulous,” said Tygerr Recchia, a student at Green River who works with ODEI students. “Their outreach is so good, and they are really working hard this year to even make it better than it has been in the past.” Recchia believes that ODEI’s outreach has always been wonderful, but since racial tensions have grown, they have improved substantially and are getting better at making Green River College even more inclusive.

Almusawi said she is grateful for the incredible mentors she has met at the college who have guided, supported, and mentored her throughout her professional career and, most importantly, in her graduate school journey.

Chi Nguyen, a student who works for ODEI, shared Almusawi’s sentiment.

“ODEI succeeds in creating a safe space to allow for diversity, equity, and inclusion to play out,” stated Nguyen. “The workshops and events it offers are also to be mentioned as they provide great educational opportunities.” 

However, Nguyen added that many students are unaware of ODEI and the resources they have to offer. Some of these resources include financial support, inclusive & safe spaces, a book loan program, academic support, including The Multicultural Academic Study Hall, alongside diversity clubs and organization support.  

Having support while in college is beneficial to any student, especially for students from marginalized groups who may need additional support in a college setting. ODEI can be a great resource for any student looking for extra support at Green River College.

For contact and more information, visit the ODEI on Green River’s website: https://www.greenriver.edu/students/get-involved/diversity-equity-and-inclusion/