Time Capsule

Green River College (GRC), along with the help of the ASGRC and the Veterans Club, recently opened its time capsule in celebration of 50 years.

The free event took place on Thursday, May 26 right outside the Mel Lindbloom Student Union. The even also featured the raising of the original Green River flagpole.

“The event went very well,” Ridwan Ibrahim, the ASGRC president, said in an email. “A lot of people participated and came.”

Ridwan was also the one that took charge of the project, Lavina Tang, the ASGRC vice-president, said in an email.

The idea for a time capsule, “came from the head of the 50th Anniversary Celebration Committee,” Tang said.

The student government along with staff members decided what items went inside the time capsule, Ibrahim said.

The time capsule itself was located downstairs in the Holman library, near the men’s restroom, Ibrahim said.

The time capsule contained many items such as a, “VHS tape, photo directory, food services menu, a collection of The Current newspapers…, international students attending form from 1989 to 1990, list of classes/enrollment from fall of 1990…” Ibrahim said.  

“Opening this time capsule, it showed how much Green River has done,” Ibrahim said.

When asked what was the coolest item in the time capsule, Ibrahim said, “I think has to be the school photo book from 1990.”

According to Ibrahim, there will be another 50-year time capsule to be opened in the year 2065. This specific time capsule will be buried this year, right outside the Student Union, across from the front door, Ibrahim said.

“We are putting our own time capsule together to show our achievements and just small things that have happened this time in the 21st century,” Ibrahim said.

ASGRC is inviting everyone to submit items into the time capsule that will be buried this year.

“We want students, faculty, staff, and anyone who wants to bring us anything…to be in the time capsule,” Ibrahim said.

Students submitting items should do so at the student life office before graduation on June 10, as said by Ibrahim.

As for how future students might react to this year’s time capsule in 50 years, “I think students will be fascinated,” Tang said.

“I think Green River will be very changed…I do hope in a good way of course,” Ibrahim said. “It will be very surprising to see the difference…but we can never really predict what is to come.”

The time capsule serves as storage for what once was and what could be.

“The time capsule is important because it symbolizes what Green River has been through and achievements that we have had over the years,” Ibrahim said. “What we have improved or done differently…should be very cool to look at in 50 years.”

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