PC Repair Shop

The PC Repair shop on the Green River Campus offers a quick and easy-to-use resource when it comes to computer issues.

All students, staff, and faculty are invited to bring in their laptop or computer if they are ever experience any kind of problems. The shop is guaranteed to be open on Mondays and Wednesdays between noon and 2:00 PM, but a technitian can usually be found in the shop most days of the week.

The shop is student-run and primarily deals with common computer problems such as virus removal and hardware replacement. Malware and cracked screens are the typical repairs.

The club will work on most laptops except for tablets, smartphones, and apple products. However, the PC Repair Shop is unable to work on apple products due to the high expense associated with proprietary apple parts and tools.

When a computer is brought into the shop, a senior technician will take a look at the issue. The hard part is diagnosing the common issue of ‘my computer won’t turn on’.

Once the technician diagnoses the problem, they will research how to fix the issue. Sometimes it makes more sense for the user to take the computer somewhere to get the actual issue fixed, but most problems can be addressed by the shop, said senior repair technician Adam Stevens.

“The PC repair shop will diagnose and research how to fix almost any windows issue both with hardware and software,” Stevens said.

Stevens is the assistant manager of the PC Repair Shop and has been involved with the club for the past two quarters. He is set to graduate this spring with a degree in ______.

There is absolutely no charge for the services provided by the PC Repair Shop, but a $50 donation is suggested in order to help maintain the operating costs.

It should be noted that the PC Repair Shop assumes no risk or liability for your laptop even though it is being worked on by technicians. The reason is because the shop is run by students and therefor they cannot be held liable for the safety of your device.

At the same time, the PC repair shop works on about 150 devices per quarter and has so far returned every device in better condition than in which it was received. In fact, new interns are required to shadow a technician for an entire quarter before they are allowed to work on their own.

This helps provide a layer of safety and protection for the clients’ devices. Only an experienced individual will be working on your device.

The program has been growing steadily over its 5 ½ year lifespan and will soon be moving to a bigger office. The move is expected to happen over the summer quarter.

After the move, you will be able to find Stevens and other technicians in TC Room ______. Everyone in the club is very excited about the move and feel that it demonstrates how valuable the PC repair resource is to students, staff, and faculty.

If anyone has any kind of technical question, they are invited to contact the PC repair shop through email or phone.

The email is: pcrepairshop@mail.greenriver.edu

The phone number is: 253 561 9485

The shop will be open during the summer quarter on Mondays and Wednesdays between noon and 2:00PM .

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