A Day In The Life of Ian Nagy: A Returning Student

A Day In The Life of Ian Nagy, A returning student:

        For Ian Nagy, Military veteran and father of two, returning to school was a decision he made after serving his time in the Military. “Being in the Military, I was never really afforded the opportunity to take any classes.

My days were filled starting at 5:30 a.m. daily and not usually ending until about 7 p.m. at the earliest,” said Nagy.

Nagy had the realization that in this day and age, there is generally a need for some kind of schooling to set you apart from others. Nagy also wanted to teach his kids that it is never too late to go back to school, and that is what inevitably pushed him to come back to the books.

Nagy is a 35-year-old student, husband, and loving father of two young boys, ages two, and six. As one can imagine, his day is very busy.

His day usually consists of waking up at 4:15 a.m. to help his wife get ready for work. Nagy then, gets himself ready and around 6, he loads his kids up in the car and takes them to morning daycare. After that, he is on his way to school.

He is currently taking three classes and is normally finished around 11 a.m.  After class, he picks his son up from daycare and heads home to put him down for a nap. “Then I can focus on all my studies and get any housework done that’s needed,”  Nagy said.

Finally, he picks up his oldest son from daycare and heads home. After the kids go to bed, it’s his time to relax, and get ready to do it all again the next day.

Overall, Nagy’s day is much different than that of a high school running start student, or even a second-year college student.

He strongly believes that as a returning student and father, he has much more life experience than most.

This makes him more aware and better confident of his daily decisions.