Avengers: Endgame Premier Tickets Skyrocket to $5,000

By: Ryan Childress

Staff Writer

On the early morning of April 2, an audible snap shook the internet.

This snap came from the release of tickets to the newest Marvel movie, Avengers: Endgame.

The newest addition to the massively successful franchise has had fans excited ever since the release of Avengers: Infinity War back in 2018. When tickets to the show released, it did not take long for fans to notice and take action. Within an hour, ticket selling sites such as Fandango and Atom tickets were taken down by the incredible number of consumers trying to purchase tickets. This pre-sale of tickets took the United States by storm—but also by surprise.

Little over one month since the release of the newest film to the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Captain Marvel, pre-sale tickets to Endgame were released to the general public.

With excitement in the air, it also brought out some of the greed in people. The few lucky individuals who were able to get their hands on tickets saw a chance and took it. Not even within minutes of the ticket-selling sites going down, eBay had them listed.

However, these tickets were not selling for the original price.

The first tickets sold on the website were $40 to $80, but after the recognition of people’s thirst to see the film, the prices slowly started to increase. They started to climb to $100, and now even to $150, but that is nowhere near the highest price tag for tickets.

What is incredibly shocking is the $10,000 sticker price put on two tickets to the first showing of the film. These tickets have since been taken off the website, but it is neither confirmed nor denied if the tickets have been sold to a buyer, as when the tickets were taken down, the only information given was that the seller has chosen to take them down. This could mean a number of things—but there was a confirmed purchase of two tickets to the premium showing for $4,999.

After hearing news of the massive sticker price, students around campus were asked what they thought of the high prices.

“Woah, that’s insane. I don’t know anyone who would pay that,” said Paula Huerta, a student at Green River. Huerta is not the only one who feels that way.

“You’ve got to be messing with me,” said Greg Warren, another student.

The question is: how much would one be willing to spend to buy a ticket? Most students replied with an average of $50, but there were a surprising amount of students that said up to $100.

One student who wished to remain anonymous said they would pay $150 for a single ticket—simply because they have a deep love of Marvel films.

Marvel’s Avengers: Endgame is set to release to the public on Friday, April 26, with the first showing at 6 p.m. April 25. Audiences should make sure they have their drinks filled and popcorn popped for this three hour movie, because it will be here sooner than they know it.