Blue Blocker Glasses Saving Students from Vision Damage

By: Rachel Knittle

Staff Writer 

Published October 17, 2018

Students should consider investing in Blue Blocker glasses in order to better their eyesight and protect from long-term damage. 

Blue Blocker glasses block blue light and provide maximum UV coverage to protect eyesight from strain. The glasses’ appearance generally consists of an orange or red tint to block harmful blue light wavelengths from the eye.

These non-prescription-required glasses range in price and can be found starting fewer than 10 dollars. They can be shopped for online from websites that specialize in Blue Blocker glasses or can be purchased at a lower cost from sites such as Amazon or eBay.

Blue Blocker glasses are not currently available for purchase at Green River College.

A pair of Blue Blocker glasses is a wise purchase due to its ability to shield one’s eyes from harmful effects caused by blue light. Too much blue light exposure can cause tired eyes, headaches, and blurred vision. Long-term exposure to this type of light risks a greater chance of loss of vision.

Many people today find themselves in front of screens, big or small, to finish work, school, or to simply pass the time. Unfortunately, blue light negatively affects the sleep-inducing hormone known as melatonin. This hormone helps bodies know when it is time to sleep and when to wake up. Blue light significantly lowers melatonin levels, causing insomnia.

At Green River College, much of learning is done through looking at a computer screen. Students use a computer, which has blue light, to check Canvas grades, assignments, emails, and further their studies with online classes.

A student on the Green River campus, Haley Jensen, says that with her online class, comes a large amount of reading, “I am on my computer for a very long time to finish all of my homework,” Jensen says.

Jensen goes on to say that with so much time on the computer, her eyes “get tired” and her “head will hurt” after being in front of the screen for too long.

With such a busy day, many students do not have time to do homework until the evening. Jensen says that when she is finishing online assignments, she consistently finds that it takes her a long time to fall asleep.

Aside from school, blue light can be found in day-to-day life. The light can be found shining through LED and fluorescent lighting, as well as computer, cell phone, television, and the majority of other electronic screens.

With digital technology constantly surrounding people’s lives, they are being exposed to more sources of blue light over longer periods of time, leaving several people at risk of damaging their eyesight.

With Blue Blocker glasses, students can continue to use digital technology and avoid diminishing their health.