Delivering Presents to Families in Need

By: Mario Pimentel

Staff writer

Published November 14, 2018

Green River College has been hosting the Giving from the Heart charity event for families in need for over 20 years.

Susan Evans, a program specialist at Green River, stated that “the event has been going on for over 20 years, it started back in 1982.”

Giving from the Heart is a charity event that specifically helps families gets what they need for the holidays. “The theme is Christmas based; families give wish lists for items that they want for the holidays,” said the Director of Student Activities and Engagement Dan Fergueson. “Families usually ask for items such as toys, games, books, and clothes.”

The event’s purpose is not only giving necessary items to the families but seeing the amazing results of their assistance. “When you see the families faces when they get their packages, they are just overwhelmed with emotion,” Evans said. “There are some offices that just go crazy with the presents and give more than the families could have imagined.”

“It’s really heartwarming to see how happy the families are when they get to give their kids’ presents.” Said Evans. There is a reason that the event is focused around Christmas time: Evans continued to say that some families even send letters with photographs of themselves with all the presents.

“I see that Giving from the Heart is a symbol to showing that we are a good community, shows that we know how to give to others and to show that we are capable of being good people,” said Fergueson.

The event is entirely run by volunteer staff consists of Green River faculty, students, or just people that want to lend a helping hand. The event shows that there are good people at Green River that want to help others.

Giving from the Heart is persistent in informing others about the charity, such as by putting up posters and handing out flyers. In the past three or four weeks there is a high chance that students at Green River have seen something about the event.

“The primary way that we get families is probably from sponsors, which are usually businesses or some companies,” said Fergueson. “Also there are some Green River College alumni that spread that word when the event is about to happen.”

The event is on Nov. 9 and the families that are participating will give their wish lists to Giving from the Heart—many people will work on them: their sponsors, offices, and anyone who is willing to help.

The Giving From the Heart Charity event is a semi-private event as Giving from the Heart respects the privacy of those it helps. “Pick up day is during finals week, on study day,” said Evans. This is implemented so that there is enough time to acquire all of the items that were on the wish lists of the families.

Green River College shows that they are a supportive and generous community and are more than happy to help those in need.