FISH Club Fundraises for Water Crisis in Africa

Green River’s very own Focus, Inspiration, Share, and Hook (FISH) club partnered with World Vision and Krispy Kreme to start a fundraiser for communities around the world who are in need of clean water.

Specifically, children and individuals in Tanzania, Africa. Every year, the FISH club donates money to an orphanage in Tanzania. This year, FISH sold Krispy Kreme Donuts for their annual fundraiser. Krispy Kreme has been an advocate for fundraisers and has raised money for important causes since 1995. In 2017 alone, Krispy Kreme raised over 40 million dollars for educational, religious, and charitable organizations.

The FISH club is a religious club at Green River that focuses on spreading the word of God to other students and faculty. During the entire month of May, donuts were sold every Wednesday in the Salish Hall building from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Members of the club volunteered every week for this cause. Donuts were being sold for $13 for a box of 12 in order to raise money for the children in Africa. Not only did students love being able to buy donuts in the comfort of their school every week, but they also loved supporting an important cause. The FISH club sold over 40 boxes in just 20 minutes one day, and 50 boxes in just one hour.

 World Vision is one of the largest providers of water in the entire world, reaching a new person with clean water every 30 seconds. Anyone can donate money at any time on their website——and help a person in need of clean water, sanitation, and to prevent disease or death. About 2.2 million people die every year due to diarrhoea, which is caused by unsafe water. 90 percent of people affected are children, which is more than both AIDS and malaria combined. Everybody deserves clean water—clean water should not be a privilege, but a basic necessity.

With Krispy Kreme, they give students the opportunity to start fundraisers. All students have to do is go to their website and find the fundraising tab. It will guide them through exactly what needs to be done in order to start their fundraiser. They will ask what the purpose of the fundraiser is, the organization name, and some other details before individuals can get started. After that, they submit the form for review and be contacted soon with an approval or denial. Krispy Kreme offers  ‘buy one get one free’ coupons, along with other deals, to help entice customers into purchasing or donating.

Not only does Krispy Kreme make it exceptionally simple to start a fundraiser, they even help with exactly what you need to do to make fundraisers successful. They give individuals the right steps they need to take, businesses they should contact, and special tips. Although the fundraiser was in May, anybody can still donate through World Vision, or start a fundraiser through Krispy Kreme at any time.