Flu Season

By: Kylee McManus
Staff Writer

As flu season enters peak activity, students should prepare to keep themselves healthy by getting a flu shot.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the flu is a virus that infects the respiratory tract. The flu is self-diagnosable and typically people will show symptoms such as a sore throat, fever, cough and nasal congestion. Many local pharmacies offer flu shots at different prices, sometimes even free, depending on whether or not the patient has insurance.

Amber Tran, a nurse at the University of California-San Francisco Medical Center, and KaraLynn LaValley, Dean of Nursing at Green River College, both recommend that all students get their flu shot.

LaValley recommends that students wash their hands, stay hydrated, get as much rest as possible and be sure to get their flu shot. The CDC says that the flu is spread through droplets that come from the mouth and nose and can be spread directly by touching contaminated surfaces. Keeping up on good hygiene can also help prevent the flu.

Tran reccomends DayQuil and Emergen-C to shorten the length of the flu, while LaValley prefers a more holistic approach, including vitamin C supplements, lots of water and plenty of rest.

LaValley shared that zinc supplements are also a great option to boost the immune system and help fight off any infection.

The misconception floating around that the flu shot causes flu-like symptoms is challenged by both Tran and LaValley.

“The [human] body is reacting to the vaccination and developing antibodies to fight infection,” Tran said.

LaValley shared that the flu becomes an inactive virus after the flu shot. The vaccine only targets certain strains of the virus, so the body may become infected if it encounters another form. The seasonal flu virus is curated to protect against the strains of viruses that will be the most common that year, according to the CDC.

Green River College held its annual flu shot clinic in the Willow room on October 10, 2019. All staff and students were welcome to get vaccinated for free.

Taking the proper steps to prevent the flu and getting the flu shot can help students stay healthy throughout the upcoming flu season and school year.