Green River College Students are Learning To Express Themselves Through Art

By: Marian Mohamed
Staff Writer

Green River College gives students the opportunity to express themselves through their art classes by giving them a creative outlet to present their art.

At the Helen S. Smith Gallery in the Holman Library, there is an an exhibition that opened Nov. 14. This exhibition holds many pieces of creative artwork from art students at Green River College.

Each piece of art expresses a beautiful concept or moment through ceramics, paintings, drawings, and photography. Jasmine RoseMary Bush is one of the photographers for the student exhibition. Her goal was to get people to do more than just look at her image and move on to the next one in the gallery.

“If you just put an image on the wall, a person looks at it and their done looking at it,” Bush said. “I have it so people have to come up to it and they have to scroll through the images and see what’s on it like a scroll.”

Bush wants her work to have the viewer more invested in the colors and models of her photos. The images are on a conveyor [belt] in order to give the feeling of being on Instagram scrolling through images. She’s showing her identity and creative process through her photos. Yet there are moments where Bush feels stuck with the demands of being a full-time student while also working.

“I’m a full time dental assistant and I’m going to school full time but I also work for creative services part time.” Bush said. “I’m surrounded by a lot of creative things but I also feel suffocated because I don’t have very much time to be creative. So my personality comes through in my photo shoots.”

Bush is able to put herself in these photos and even though they may seem like any other picture they are also apart of her identity. In the world that Bush would want her photos associated with, discovery wouldn’t be so difficult.

“I want somebody to see my work and see that I’m already established and I’m already a photographer and I’m already on my way. That I’m just putting my images together for someone to view not really for somebody to find me.” Bush said.

Art classes here at Green River College have given a platform for students to showcase their identity and imagination. Bush is among the many students who have freely expressed who they are without any judgement or negativity.