Green River Foundation Scholarship Opportunities 2021-22

by Shemar Young

 Some three hundred college scholarships worth more than a half-million dollars are available for Green River students. Applications need to be turned into the GRC Foundation between January and April 2022. If students applied for scholarships this fall, they cannot apply for the 2022 scholarships.

Heather Hughbanks, a development specialist at GRC, said program-specific scholarships are among those available. She cited the $500 Esther Latter Nursing scholarship for nursing students as an example. Hughbanks said, “Typically, the money awarded in this program is $2,000 per scholarship divided over three quarters”.  George Frasier, vice president of college advancement, said, “per-quarter scholarships are about $700 average each one”.

The process for completing an online application is available here:

The application is completed by thoroughly answering the qualifying questions, completing the personal statement, and requesting at least one letter of recommendation.  Hughbanks says, “the letter of recommendation could be from a faculty member, staff member, anyone from campus or it can be also from outside.”

Winners will be notified via GRC e-mail. Once notified, the successful applicants have 30 days to answer supplemental questions, as well as attach a copy of their scholarship “thank you” letter. The website describes how foundation scholarships are divided into five categories: Program-Based, Merit-Based, Need-Based, General Scholarships, and Transfer Scholarships.

There are also transfer scholarships which include The Sharp/Connelly Family Transfer Scholarship for U.S. students’ transferring to the University of Washington, Washington State University, Central Washington University, Western Washington University, or Eastern Washington University. There is also the Mark and DeLaine Emmert Transfer Scholarship is for any Green River student (even international) transferring to UW.