Interview With GRC’s Phillip Denman

By: Hannah Yuzyuk
Staff Writer

In the last issue, it was said that Phillip Denman had no comment on the lack of a daycare at the college, but this was only because The Current’s message was sent to the wrong email. 

Denman, the senior director of college relations, provided all of the information about Green River College’s daycare program, and why it was closed in 2016.

Dispelling all mysticism around the closed program, Mr. Denman claimed that the GRC never managed this program, even though the facility was located near the campus and operated by Green River College. Children Home Society was the organization that provided this program.

The daycare did not provide all students with children a spot in the program. There were 60 spots for children to be enrolled, and the college students were usually put on a wait list before they could get in.

“The budget was not coming from Green River College. The big part of it, how it works that it was a market price. The students of GRC and the faculty could enroll their kids, but they could not have any discounts,” Denman said.

In 2016, the Children Home Society decided to close this program and did not renew the contract with Green River. The administration of the college tried to find a new company to continue this program, but it was not successful because the work that goes into the program requires a lot of specifics.

Denman shared that the college is still working in this direction to make a contract with a new company to renew the child care program because the building where the Children Home Society provided their service before, belongs to Green River. Unfortunately, the college is not certified to provide any child care by itself.

“We are aware of students’ needs, and we try to include help for many needs of the students, not just with child care. The program for child care would cost a lot of money to start for GRC by itself. We try to find other avenues to help students with this problem outside the campus.” Denman said.

Denman also explained that as a state organization, the college is responsible for everything that happens on the campus. It is why Green River cannot create the child room with volunteers helping there. The college wants to be sure that children will be treated healthily and safely; it is only a matter of time and hard work put in by dedicated staff that will show results.

“We work very hard to find other opportunities to help students as grants to remove those barriers for students. For short term financial help, we have a Gator Pledge. This system can help students with current needs, including help with childcare,” said Denman.

Denman explained that the college tries their best to help with any roadblocks a student may face, which can be anything from paying tuition to getting adequate food. While it may be arduous to graduate with a degree, Green River is here to support every student in achieving their goals.

Photo Cred: Flickr