Is Quarantine a Chance to Get Your Life Together?

A woman writing in her diary while in quarantine. Lisa Fotios

Although quarantine has been a hard time for all, it also has been a time for self-discovery for many.

Many people have been stuck at home since the pandemic first outbroke in March. These times have been very scary and stressful for everyone. We have had the choice to either sit around and complain or make the best of it. Numerous people have decided to look on the Brightside. To pass the time, new hobbies have been discovered.

At the beginning of the pandemic, many people took this opportunity to begin working out, making coffee, watching trending shows, and relaxing. I can’t deny that I had done so as well. None of those activities really stuck though. I had lost interest and motivation quite quickly. So how can we continue to be motivated and find activities we enjoy?

Doing simple everyday tasks can help to increase motivation. If you were to fill out a planner and put simple tasks like making your bed, doing your morning routine, or even going for a walk, there’s a sense of feeling successful when you cross those activities off after completing them. This makes it easier to find the motivation to do more of the things you want to do throughout your day.

What about finding the activities that bring you happiness? It can be a hit or miss for many people. What one person finds fulfilling and enjoyable may not be what another person has an interest in.

One student at Green River who was asked, “What hobbies have you discovered over quarantine? Did they stick?” had replied with, “Making pom-poms out of yarn, looking for sea glass on beaches, felting animals, and craft of punch needle. I still make pom-poms for all different crafts. I will continue to look for sea glass in the warmer months.” For this student, there were some activities that hadn’t stuck with her, but she also had some that she will continue to participate in.

Another student was asked the same question and had replied, “Yes, I have van life mostly, and maybe sewing and a bit of baking here and there.” They later went on to say that baking didn’t really stick to them since they didn’t think they were very good at it.

It’s important to try new things even if they may sound like something that you will not enjoy. You never know, you may end up loving it. The Health blog that I had come across suggests things like exercising, journaling, baking, knitting, self-care (face masks, doing our nails, etc.), and painting. There’s a limitless number of activities for you to do. Start off by thinking about the things you already enjoy doing and then think of things that are similar. The internet can be your best friend when it comes to discovering new interests.