Keep Calm Gators and Exercise at Home

The recent COVID-19 pandemic canceled the 2020 Track & Field and Baseball seasons, as well as other recreational activities at Green River College, forcing Gators to find different ways to stay active.

It is necessary to stay at home to avoid the current spread of COVID-19, though that does not mean that we can or should give free rein to a sedentary lifestyle. Now more than ever as people are being forced to stay so many days stuck in their homes, it is necessary to enhance movement and exercise routines as they are infallible tools to avoid weight gain, maintain physical and mental shape, free the mind and release endorphins also known as the hormone of happiness.

Teleworking and not being able to attend educational and sports centers can increase sedentary time, therefore it is necessary to include conscious actions in our day-to-day life to avoid it.

For a long time, there has been speculation with the possibility of doing sports alone and at home but still have the feeling of being connected and working in a group! Now, even if it is within unpleasant or unexpected circumstances, the time has come. The confinement has made it necessity to find ways to move within a household.

“The current situation cannot be an excuse to become sedentary. On the contrary, we should block at least thirty minutes a day from exercise, if we can always be at the same time or similar, and even maintain the routine that everyone had until now, attending, especially those over 16 years of age, the need to exercise the muscle,” said internal medicine expert Dr. Ricardo Losno.

It should not be forgotten that, whatever the circumstances, “from that age the mass gradually decreases by 3% -8%,” Losno said. The serious thing is that this muscle loss accelerates after 60, producing a progressive decrease in strength.

In other words, nobody, but fewer adults, can sit for fifteen days in front of the television watching the hours go by … “Less now that we have to be stronger than ever, immunologically speaking, to be able to face this adversity that has paralyzed half the world… The more active and healthier we are, the better,” Losno said.

That you have to stay active is a no-brainer. The problem is how to do it. It seems clear that for the vast majority, the easiest thing will be to do the same thing they did in the gym but at home. That is why sports professionals have organized themselves to offer solutions to everyone on their own platforms, sometimes even streaming. Those who get in shape with Zumba, those who prefer the weights, those who cannot do without their yoga practices and even those who will have to train for their outdoor sports (running, triathlon, cycling …) now have to without leaving home.

Moving! Do not think that doing so at home is impossible. You can do physical activities with many of the things we have at home. It is recommended to go to publications of collegiate people, where you can find proposals at all levels with or without materials, strength, coordination.

Feel the difference and stay calm Gators. We are all in this together.

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