KGRG Begins Broadcasting High School Football

By: Lance Simons
Staff Writer

KGRG Radio recently began broadcasting Kent High School Football games at French Field.

For the first time, KGRG Radio has began covering the games live on their radio station. “We contacted the Board Director of the Kent School District and we made an agreement to broadcast the games [live] for the first time this season,” said Nick Creasia, sports director and assistant director of KGRG1. With word from the Board of Directors and the KGRG Radio crew, the radio station was able to make it possible for the Kent Football games to be covered.

Creasia, Noah Boelter and a few others work at the games. When broadcasting football games, there is a lot of work involved. The team has many people for all the different jobs required to effectively cover the games.

Creasia and Boelter are the sports directors, commentators and broadcasters for KGRG Radio. They’ve helped start up the new program for the radio. “We started this program just this year,” said Creasia. “We started broadcasting these Kent [High School] games at the beginning of the season and it will be over by the end of October.”

Everyone on the team has a job that is vital to broadcasting the games. Both Boelter and Creasia provide analysis and interviews with high school football players. Leslie Fenn, an engineer, controls the scoreboard and manages music mixing and other equipment to keep the broadcast running smoothly. Ashley Ackerman is the main board director for the team. KGRG Radio has a few sports-related social media accounts that are run by Calvin Domingo and Johnny Jackson. Domingo releases game dates and times, score updates, and other game-related notifications through social media platforms Twitter, Snapchat, and Instagram.

“We broadcast the home games for Kentwood, Kentridge, Kentlake, and Kent-Meridian High School out at French Field,” said Creasia.
With home games of four different high school teams, KGRG Radio is out broadcasting games multiple times each week which allows students to tune in and follow up with the Kent High School Football games. Why did KGRG Radio decide to cover these games?

“To spread the word of the station and connect more with the audience. It helps us relate to them and connect more with future students,” said Creasia.

The radio station has many good reasons to cover the games. With Kent High School Football games being scheduled multiple times each week, the station makes use of their opportunities to draw in the community and connect with the audience through broadcastings. KGRG Radio plans on continuing to bring live broadcasts throughout the season and into future years. The broadcasts can be found on the KGRG Radio app and games are held every Thursday and Friday.