Phi Theta Kappa Society Ends the Quarter With A Discussion on Future Plans

By: Ritwan J. Abdinor
Staff Writer

The Green River Phi Theta Kappa (PTK) Society hosted their last meeting for Spring quarter on Friday, May 31, at the Student Union Club Corner.

The club had elected a new body of officers earlier this month and so far, have hosted three meetings. They are still getting to know more about their members and trying to incorporate fun activities in the club to familiarize themselves with their fellow members.

Its first meeting was an icebreaker and the officers decided to engage in games with the members so as to get to know each other.

The second meeting was about the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) adversity score. The SAT adversity score is an admission tool under the environmental context, that allows colleges to consider a student’s socioeconomic background to contextualize the relevance of an SAT score.

This was a relevant topic to the members as the SAT test was scheduled for June 1. They mentioned how environments sometimes do not necessarily dictate someone’s capability. Members discussed this in full detail and discussed the consequences of this action.

Their final meeting was hosted on May 31 and members discussed stress during finals. Finals are in two weeks and the officers wanted the members to be relaxed. By easing the tension, it reduced some anxiety for the upcoming tests.

Members talked about their worst and best testing moments, worst and best classes, testing techniques and recommendations on classes they had taken in the past.

The members were really engaging and friendly. The meeting generally reflected on what PTK is really about: an environment where people get to know each other, a safe environment where people can experience valuable information and a community willing to learn from each other.

The officers recently had a meeting with Vice President Deb Casey proposing to have some sort of annual event dedicated to community service. The club is widely known for its dedication to community service. They take part in monthly graffiti cleanups in Auburn. This has become a tradition for them, and this also earns them Regalia points. They also do Honor in Action programs that help solve problems in the Green River community.

“Honor societies from where I am from, are a group of pretentious people who think they are better because they got good grades but PTK allowed me to become a more useful person in society,” said Radi Akbar, a student and member of PTK. “I started doing more things that help my community so PTK did a lot of things for me.”

“For me, I think the community service aspect is what I love most, I love giving back to my community,” said Green River student Justin Hardy. “This is my first year at Green River and most of my friends go to four-year universities, PTK allowed me to learn more people and I am now pretty close to the officers and wishing to create bonds with the members.”

Akbar mentioned how the previous officers “had a very strong bond” and how he hopes that the newly elected officers would strive to do the same for its members.

“Club organizers and officers should strive to become one soul,” Akbar said, regarding the group.

“Our goal is to be a unified team, over the Summer and Spring we really want to get to know each other better,” said Hardy.

Although the officers might face some challenges as the year progresses, they are positively motivated in engaging in projects to help the community. In the future, they plan to offer more workshops for transfer students, to endorse an amicable environment, and promote student involvement in the Green River community.