Quarantine is Messing With People’s Mental Health

By: Madison Farnsworth

Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, many students believe that their mental health has been on the decline. In order to help those students Green River counseling services has offered advice regarding mental health.

Focusing on mental health has always been important for people all across the globe, though it is crucial now more than ever to pay attention to it. Good mental health is already a struggle to maintain for many people and with this pandemic going on, it is definitely not making it easier for those individuals to keep themselves in good health.

The main reason there has been a vocally steady decline in mental health is the current worldwide quarantine. People are forced to stay home for the benefit of society. However not being able to go out and interct with other humans is definitely taking a heavy toll on thousands of people.

Being stuck inside with limited human interaction has not been the most ideal situation for many people to be in. It has made life more challenging. It can cause people to have difficulties getting out of bed and starting the day, since it feels as if there is no day to start in the first place.

Two of Green River’s counselors, Devon Klein, and Liz McKinney provided information regarding what Green River’s counseling services look like now and how to access them in this time of need.

“Yes! GRC Counseling has been working hard to prepare for offering our free, confidential, and professional counseling through a secure online platform… It is our top priority to provide mental health support for students, so please watch your email boxes for an announcement about this soon. In the meantime, we are still available via email and phone to consult about mental health issues” said Klein.

“Students can reach Counseling Services through our Virtual Assistance Lobby and through e-mail. Students can also call Counseling Services, but we are not currently set up to receive calls directly. They will have to leave a message and we will return their call.” said McKinney.

It is an incredibly difficult time to be living in right now and it seems unlikely to end anytime soon. It is important to remember that the Green River counseling service is still here and available to every student that might need it during this time of quarantine.

Even though the counseling services might feel so far away for many students, they are always at a student’s fingertips with the help of a computer or phone. Whether it is a phone call, email, or even a telecounseling appointment, the counselors will be able to provide students with mental health support.

The Green River College counseling service can be reached here at cs.greenriver.edu or 253-833-9111(ext. 2460). A student can also go to the Green River website, go to the counselor section, and request to make an appointment via video conference platform.

Photo Cred: Flickr