Social Connections of Christmas Time

By: Lance Simons
Staff Writer

Popular culture and diverse traditions surrounding Christmas are visible both here at Green River College and throughout the country.

Many common traditions may include hanging up Christmas lights and decorating a Christmas tree. However some families have unique traditions for the Christmas season. Kanon Kurtz, a student at Green River College, shared some of his family traditions.

“Our family takes a trip to Greenwater to find a Christmas tree,” Kurtz said.

Tristen Hong, a student at Green River College, shared his Christmas traditions.

“Our family will open stockings before breakfast and presents, and afterward we prepare Christmas breakfast as a family every year,” Hong said.

There are countless family traditions that many families partake in every Christmas. Every year many families will decorate their houses with bright multicolored lights and decorations with symbols of the holiday.

Some houses are more elaborate and decorative than others, but all are celebrating their holiday traditions. Many people love to drive around different neighborhoods to see the brightly decorated houses.

Much of the Christmas pop culture comes from the famous movies that appear on TV every year. Some examples of these are How the Grinch Stole Christmas and A Charlie Brown Christmas Special.

“Often our family would watch ‘The Polar Express’ or other similar movies,” Hong said. Christmas movies and TV shows have made their appearance in popular culture and make up family traditions or simply a fun way to enjoy the holidays.

Christmas music is another element of pop culture that is everywhere. It is inside many stores and peoples homes. There are Christmas radio stations that only run during the holiday season.

“Our family listens to Christmas music while we decorate gingerbread houses,’’ said Kosmin Ignat, a future Green River student.

A huge variety of Christmas music is available around the country during the holidays. There are the old favorites, but also newer artists who have put out their Christmas songs and albums. Some artists include Mariah Carey, Michael Buble, and Pentatonix. However, some people hate it when Christmas music when it is played too early in the year.

“My family will usually listen to Christmas music after Thanksgiving,” Kosmin said.

Not to be forgotten is the traditions surrounding food during the holiday. Many families love to go all out for Christmas, preparing fancy meals for their family and guests. A popular Christmas dinner will often include a ham of some sort.

“During Christmas dinner my mom and dad will prepare a ham for everyone and we do it every year,” Kosmin said.

Not only is Christmas dinner a treasured aspect of Christmas, but so is baking and eating food in general.

Many different families have many different ways of celebrating Christmas from the food they eat to the music they listen to.