New Show “Santa Inc.” is Drowning in Negative Reviews; But Why?

Recently a new show known as Santa inc. has been released to the public. The show features talent such as Seth Rogen and Sarah Silverman. However, the show has been drowning in negative reviews and disapproval. The only question is why audiences seem to dislike the show in such overwhelming numbers?

According to Rogen from his personal Twitter account, the hate is coming from review bombing white supremacists. Rogen stated, “We really pissed off tens of thousands of white supremacists…”

However, despite how confident Rogen is, the numbers aren’t exactly on his side. Considering the over one-hundred thousand dislikes on the YouTube trailer, it is unlikely that only white supremacists disliked the show. On the other hand to Rogen’s credit, the insane amount of disapproval does seem to indicate people disliking the show for unfair or racist reasons. A more curated list like Rotten Tomatoes might thin the herd a little. Unfortunately for Rogen, the show isn’t doing much better with only four percent on Rotten Tomatoes.

So if there are at least a few people who genuinely disliked the show, some reviews might help to discover why. The reviews on Google Reviews seem to hold a large consensus opinion of the show. The main thing that people seem to like about the show is the animation style but according to most of the reviews, that I’d where the praise ends. Many reviews complain about the crude humor of the show however that is small potatoes compared to by far the most common complaint, that the show is way too blatant and exaggerated with its political message. Many reviewers seem to be giving the show one star due to that alone. Even one reviewer who states that he enjoyed the show noted the political commentary as “coming off super condescending,”

So in the end, while the numbers do indicate some critics rating the show unfairly, a large number of people seem to have legitimate criticism of the show.