Tagged: Green River College

Advising day

Wednesday, April 26 was spring quarter’s advising day, students from all walks of life came from 9am to 6pm to plan their futures. If you’ve...


Closing out fall quarter with out last issue has brought a few things to the attention of The Current. The first order of business within...

October Artist Spotlight

The Fine Arts Faculty has elected Ao Hu, a 20 year old photography major, as the Artist Spotlight for the month of October. Ao Hu was...

New ASGRC Formed

The ASGRC is being led by a new president, Patricia Argie, 17, who is an international student. She has been on the public relations committee and...

PC Repair Shop

The PC Repair shop on the Green River Campus offers a quick and easy-to-use resource when it comes to computer issues. All students, staff, and...