The Campus Corner Apartments Makes Students Feel at Home

By: Taylor Bailey
Staff Writer

The Campus Corner Apartments at Green River College leave some residents satisfied, and others wanting more.

The college’s website has a lot of information available for those interested in student housing. Plenty of amenities, furnishing and utilities come with the housing and all service fees are included in the quarterly charge of around $2,385.

There are two living options offered at the Campus Corner Apartments. Students can live in either a townhouse or in apartment units that can be shared by up to four students. With the chance of having up to three roommates, students take this opportunity to make more friends.

“I also got to meet a lot of new international students like myself,” said Sara Badirkhanova, a resident of CCA. According to the website, the people at CCA work to create a welcoming environment for the students who wish to live there. However, some students have yet to feel that warm welcome they have been hearing so much about.

“If you make proper friends, I recommend moving somewhere else,” said Changmin Oh, another resident. “In fact, I’ve had one bad experience and there are quite a few constrictions here that sometimes make me uncomfortable.”

While the CCA does offer Wi-Fi to all residents, students have noted several issues. “Big con, the Wi-Fi often stops suddenly for 4 or 5 seconds,” said Tine Ebering, another resident. “[Very] inconvenient [for] when you want to phone or video chat someone.”

The CCA recognizes this issue. They explained that by using their network, the student must share bandwidth with the other residents, which results in slow but free internet connection.

Students have also had other negative experiences while residing on campus. “We were in a friend’s apartment and a stranger knocked on the door to ask if he can hide from the police in our apartment,” said Bloemhof, another resident.

However, residents of the CCA have also had positive experiences as well. Easy access to the campus and having friends close by are just a few of the perks all provided by student housing. The apartments are known to have a supportive community, and while some have had some bad experiences, lots of students feel right at home. “It’s safe to walk around on CCA ground, even during the night,” said Bloemhof.

The CCA offers free events to all residents every Friday on campus. They also ask that residents join the Student Leadership to make life more enjoyable for others living there. “There are many activities that Resident assistants set up on a weekly basis such as free meals, movie nights and game nights,” said Badirkhanova.

The CCA has a free cleaning service that ncludes a free technician to help with repairs. “Our sink and dishwasher had to be fixed,” said Ebering. “But honestly a big pro is that we can place work orders and a technician fixes things for free.”

Green River College’s Student Housing, as with anything, comes with its positives and negatives to be weighed. It comes down to what is most important to the student.