The River Room: Gaming Students’ Home On Campus

By: Austin Butler
Staff Writer

The River Room on the second floor of the Student Union (SU) is known to some students as “The Game Room”.

It has several TVs with HDMI inputs for students to bring their own consoles and play games, and plenty of table space to bring your own tabletop or card games. There are pool tables to play with, couches, and big comfy chairs for students to relax in .

The gaming crowd at Green River has claimed it for their own, and it has become the go-to location for any kind of gaming activity. From Super Smash Brothers to Magic: The Gathering, Dungeons, and from Dragons to anime dancing sims–all are welcome to this area.

If you want to just hang out and study, Jonah Ragan, a 20-year-old Green River student, has been using the River Room to study since fall of 2017. He said it is quiet enough to focus, but it is not silent like the study rooms in the library.

The people in The Game Room are very welcoming, as well. Keegan Legg, a Green River student and an avid Magic: The Gathering player, said his favorite thing about the game room “is how inclusive everyone is,” even saying that he met most of his friends during his visits to The Game Room.

“Most people will gladly invite you to join them in whatever they are playing,” said Legg.

Despite the name, it is not just games at The Game Room. Some people watch movies and TV shows on the TVs that are set up on the walls. When students enter the room, everything from action movies to anime can be seen playing in the River Room.

When asked about the downsides to the game room, Legg said his least favorite thing was “how loud it gets sometimes.” The Game Room has been known to get crowded when events like Super Smash Brothers tournaments are going on.

Ragan said that “sometimes people watch inappropriate anime” on the TVs in the game room, however, people are pretty good about self-regulating that issue and it never goes on for very long.

Overall, the game room is a great place to hang out with friends or make new ones, relax and play some games, or study for that test coming up. The people are friendly and it is a very relaxed atmosphere.
If a student wants a chill place to hang out and be their nerdy self, they cannot go wrong with the college’s The Game Room.