The Tutoring Center Helps Students Succeed

By: Kylee Mcmanus
Staff Writer

Both the testing and tutoring center at Green River College are two resources that can help students find success in their studies and academic future.

The Tutoring and Resource Center is located on the second floor of the Holman Library. It is open Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. In addition, there is a computer lab available for students to use whenever it is not being occupied by another class for library research instruction.

Kathi Anderson-Marshall, the program manager of the center, said that the center was created as a “retention piece to help students persist in completing their degree.”

There is tutoring available for every course at the center with the exclusion of math, proficiency in reading and writing, and presentation skills. Students can visit the Math Center, Writing and Reading Center, and Public Speaking Center for tutoring in these kinds of subjects.

Anderson-Marshall shared that the tutors are students who have successfully completed the course and had been recommended by the faculty in charge of the subjects they wish to tutor. There are tutors who volunteer in their free time as well as tutors who are part-time employees of Green River College.

The Testing Center is located on the bottom floor of the Student Affairs and Success Center in room 148. It is open, even during construction, on Monday through Thursday from 2 p.m. to 7 p.m. and on Friday from 12 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.

The Testing Center is a “large part of placement for students” where they can be “assessed in their math and English skills for placement into their classes”, said Sarah Postel, director of violence prevention and student testing at the college.

She also shared that any instructors can have their tests proctored in the center, and students can take accommodation and makeup exams there as well.

The success of students in attaining their degree is very important, which is why it is so important to reach out for help and take advantage of the different resources offered at Green River College.

“We want students to succeed and attain their goals, said Anderson-Marshall.

Putting time into studying can help students perform better in the classroom and on exams. Balancing extracurriculars with academics and creating good time management skills can help students become successful in their studies as well as their future career.

The Tutoring and Resource Center has many informative pamphlets on study skills, test-taking tips, and additional strategies that are free for students to take home. Using the resources that are available there can help students curate plans to perform better on tests at the Testing Center.

“Coming hydrated, eating something recently, and getting a good night’s sleep can help students focus while taking tests,” Postel said. “There can be a lot of students testing at once, which can be distracting.”

The Testing Center administered 22,647 tests in the 2018-2019 year, according to Postel, while Anderson-Marshall shared that the Tutoring and Resource Center had around 12,000 visits in the same time period.

Students can find additional information on the various resources intended for academic success on campus by visiting the Green River College website and selecting  the academics section.