They pulled it off

An event usually regarded as the largest Veteran’s Day West of the Mississippi also found itself as one of the first City of Auburn events in months, setting the tone for what the community may expect to see for the foreseeable future.

Rather than a main event with thousands of participants dwarfed by a throng of spectators, we saw a week of tribute, with an online presence and restrictions and accommodations in full force for a luncheon and a procession.

Kristy Pachciarz, special events coordinator for Auburn, said the city accomplished all goals with this event.

“We received a ‘Navy BZ,’ which stands for Bravo Zulu, otherwise known as ‘Well Done’,” she said.

          Although people were much more spread out for this vehicle-only parade, spectators were excited to see the parade go by. One of them was Jonathan Davenport, a local community leader of the Auburn Masonic Lodge and retired US Army Colonel had this to say about the demonstration.

“…imagine my surprise when I heard helicopters approaching,” said Davenport. “It is a sound from my past that means many things – an airmobile taxi to an infantry battle, some air support to help with an operation going poorly, even a medical rescue after significant injuries, whether to myself or my soldiers.”

Davenport was absolutely thrilled with the support. Of Veterans creating an hours long parade. Of friends and Brothers, new and old. Of a supporting public.

“To all of them, I can only say, it means so much to me that you did. God bless you all, and God Bless America.”

We even saw participation from our local community here at Green River. The GRC bus was in the lineup, with Green River College President Dr. Suzanne Johnson, Vice President Student Affairs Dr. Deb Casey, Senior Director Disability Support Services Jamie Hatleberg, Director of Workforce Education Cathy Alston, Welding Instructor Justin Pitt, Adam Brown Outreach and Recruitment and Veteran Services Program Manager Jorge Martinez inside.

Other than the parade, the week included a drive through Sweet Treats for Vets, a broadcasted remembrance ceremony, a museum showcase and a tribute program.
