Trump Possibly Running for President in 2024

Former president, Donald Trump, has been hinting at a possible run for President in 2024. Donald Trump at this point has not made any official announcement that he is running for President, however, he has been implying as such in a number of interviews and at rallies. Trump has made ​statements saying that his supporters will be pleasantly surprised soon and even went so far as to say “make America great again again” at a recent rally. All of this has made a great number of people assume that Trump is planning a presidential run in 2024, however, there are a few things to take into account with this.
 Trump is a very divisive figure even within the Republican Party and it is unclear how much support he truly has. Additionally, if President Biden is planning on running for a second term that may cause some challenges for Trump as he lost the 2020 election to Biden. All of this seems to indicate that if Trump does intend on running he may have an underwhelming campaign and walk away with little support. However, all of that being said, Trump did win a surprising victory in 2016 and it is possible that he could do so again in 2024. As for Trump going up against Biden, if this hypothetical does become a reality, Biden’s approval rating has been dropping steadily over the course of his presidency and it’s possible that his administration will be significantly less popular than Trump by the time of the election but only time will tell. 
Another challenge a possible Trump candidacy may face is within the Republican Party itself. As previously mentioned, he is a divisive figure even within his own party. Additionally, there are a number of other candidates that many people would prefer over Trump such as Ron DeSantis, a rising star within the Republican party and currently the Governor of Florida. As of the writing of this article no other major Republicans have announced a bit of the presidency however depending on who does plan on running Trump May face challenges even within the Republican Party to take the nomination. One final note of interest is but this could also be simply a media stunt. Because Trump has not explicitly declared that he is running for president he may be hinting at secretly working on something else, however, only time will tell.