All Tutoring Services Under One Roof

Green River College has been considering the idea of uniting all tutoring services under one roof.

The science, English, and math tutoring centers have always been separated. There are some science tutors within the Holman Library Tutoring and Resource Center; the Cedar hall building specializes in math tutoring; the Rutkowski Learning Center has English tutoring.

The locations of Cedar Hall and the Rutkowski Learning Center are on opposite sides of the campus, so if a student needs help in all of these subjects, then they would have to walk tirelessly from one building to another.

The current manager of the Tutoring and Resource Center, Kathi Anderson-Marshall said “It was always a goal of mine to utilize the space…and collocate with the writing and math centers to make it more efficient.” Anderson-Marshall is also responsible for renovating the tutoring area of the library.

There have been implications that it would be more efficient to bring tutors of different subjects in one area. By executing this, students wouldn’t have to travel to different buildings across campus to receive help, it would all be in the same building. 

“It would be more convenient for the students where they would save time and energy, and it would be more like a one-stop-shop concept,” Anderson-Marshall said.  

With a campus as large as GRC, a unified spot for students seeking help in all subjects would prove to be both time-saving and energy-saving. However, there were several conflicts pointed out when the idea was initially pitched. The most important of which was the spacing of the tutoring centers and the potential noise levels, according to Anderson-Marshall.

Things would have to be moved around in the tutoring center in order to accommodate the writing and math centers. The public speaking center would also pose an issue since their subject produces a lot of noise and could disrupt other students that are receiving help in other areas.

With all of the things considered, the idea of bringing all of the centers in one place has its pros and cons and may seem unlikely, but isn’t a reach for the near future of the campus.